Thursday, May 3, 2012

This is a recent New York Times Article about how a golden retriever named Devon is helping  a returning veteran deal with post traumatic stress disorder. The power of human/animal bond in providing secure attachment and healing is rapidly becoming a hot topic that will hopefully generate more research.  Part of my internship for a Masters in Counseling will involve study in attachment theory. To my total delight, my internship sites value the healing presence of a dog in the counseling venue and I've been encouraged to  bring one of my therapy dogs - either Irei or Tess -  with me.

 I'll also be able to use my equine facilitated psychotherapy work toward  internship credit. If you are unfamiliar with the healing power of the Horse as co-facilitator in the counseling and growth/learning process, I invite you to check out the website for  my 501c3 non-profit   Work of Heart: Horse as Mentor that I share with psychiatrist, Nancy Coyne (

I'm having some difficulty getting this article to automatically open for you, so please cut the URL and paste into your browser.